Select Your Membership to Get Started!

**Initial $15.00 Registration Fee**
Associate Membership Benefits
- UNLIMITED Criminal & Civil Defense Protection - no caps or Limits!
- 24/7/365 Emergency Attorney-Answered Hotline
- Family Legal Plan
- Psychological Support & Expert Witness
- Training & Educational Content
- Monthly Newsletter
- Gun Replacement & Negligent Discharge
- Discounts to Industry Partners
1st Member
2nd Member
Plan Options
Optional add-Ons!
Multi-State Protection
Bail Bond Protection
Minor Children Protection
**Initial $15.00 Registration Fee**
Select PlanHighlighted Benefits offered by Right To Bear:
Civil Defense protection: allows you to choose your own attorney in the event you are sued after a self-defense incident.
Criminal Defense protection: provides legal support in the event you are criminally charged after a self-defense incident. (You choose your own attorney)
Multi state protection: offers you legal support in 50 states. Residents of New York, New Jersey, and Washington do not qualify for our membership.
Expert Witness: RTB will provide an “expert witness” to testify on your behalf.
Psychological Support: provides 40 counseling sessions due to stress/trauma experienced from a self-defense incident.
Bail Bond protection: provides money for bail up to $100,000.
Additional Associate: Extends protection to a spouse or household partner.
Gun Replacement: We will replace your gun if confiscated after a self-defense incident.
Minor Household Children: Extends protection to dependents 17 years of age or younger if they are involved in a self-defense incident.